5 SIMPLE Strategies To OPTIMIZE Your
Facebook PROFILE As A Network Marketer
As a network marketer you are probably using your Facebook profile as an important tool for your online business and generating new leads which is the life blood of any network marketing business but are you using it to its full potential?
As a network marketer I have grown my own business with both my personal profile and my Facebook business page to over 70K followers. The content I generate from these pages allows me to nurture a relationship with my followers and convert them into email subscribers and leads for my network marketing business.
So, how did I do it?
I take growing an authentic audience seriously and it all comes down to hard work and consistency with these 5 simple strategies.
While these strategies might seem obvious and like a no-brainer, don't be fooled. There's a huge difference between knowing what you’re supposed to be doing and actually doing it. Kind of like “I know I should be working out to lose those last stubborn 10 pounds” but then you never work out. You know what you are supposed to do but it’s the action of doing it that leads to the results.
So here we go, 5 strategies to fully optimize your Facebook profile as a network marketer!
The most important tip I can give you is to be authentic and true to yourself. There is no one like you so it’s important to always tap into who you are and to be true to your personality. I am an extrovert who loves life. I love to have fun and be silly. I love to inspire others to love life too. It’s who I am and I bring that vibe unapologetically to my page.
Who are you? What makes you, YOU?! Spend some time writing down your personality type. Are you an introvert or extrovert? How can you leverage that to show up for your audience? Write down things you love, your hobbies and convert those interests into content.
2. More fun, less drama
Another important tip is to keep your content free from negativity and drama. That doesn’t mean you can’t talk about real life and share your struggles with your audience, of course you can. That is what makes you relatable. Life isn’t rainbows and unicorns but it’s how we choose to show up with our real life that makes all the difference and what defines attraction marketing.
You can’t expect people to be excited about becoming a customer or joining your business if every time you pop into their newsfeed you are griping about life, your spouse kids, your political views. Attraction marketing is just that, marketing in a way that attracts people to you.
Had a hard day with the kids? Share in a way that others can relate to while spinning it in an encouraging direction.
Instead of throwing out a post like “Today just sucked. Kids fighting and I am so over it!” say something like “Today was a rough one. Kids were a little out of control, is it a full moon or what?! LOL Am declaring tomorrow will be better! Any moms have some good self care recommendations you can throw my way?”
People will likely skip right over a negative rant because it just makes them feel icky but something that is shared from a more light hearted place while asking a question will spark engagement. Facebook will rank an engagement post (asking a question) higher in the feed so your post will last longer and be seen organically by more people.
Make mastering attraction marketing a top priority. Spend time on this every time you make a post as it’s the most important for building trust with your audience. What kind of content do you want to share? What do you want to talk about and give value around? What kind of problems will you solve for your followers? How can you use what it going on in your life as a teaching moment for others?
Facebook is a social platform so it’s important to be social. Share content that inspires others to engage, content that your followers will LOVE, content they can’t help but hit the share button to their page or DM their BFF, content they'll be thinking about all day. Content they'll tell their spouse about later that evening or a month from now because it really resonated with them.
How do you find and create content that leads your follower to have a strong reaction like that?
Think about what others may be struggling with and how you can provide content that will help them. Content that will inspire them through your own story. Content that is funny (without being hateful or in bad taste).
Think about ways to ask engaging questions and recommendations. People love to give their opinions and the comments that are generated give you a valuable opportunity to build a relationship with your audience.
During quarantine I found this graphic (my audience knows I have a thing for unicorns) and going into 2021 I thought it was a perfect image to share and as you can see, it was well received.
Facebook is classified as a social media platform for a reason; it's supposed to be social!
People don't hop on Facebook first thing in the morning because they can't wait to read about the latest news happening with your company and they don't line up in your virtual newsfeed to be the first to hear about your latest products and promotions.
They are on Facebook to socialize, share what’s happening in their lives and connect with friends and family. So if you want people to engage with you, you have to create interesting, sociable content.
For instance, you don’t want to come up in someone’s newsfeed first thing in the morning shouting “COME CHECK OUT THE LATEST PRODUCT WE ARE LAUNCHING PLEASEEEEEEE!!”
Your potential customers and next business partner is on Facebook to have meaningful conversations, to socialize and talk about things that matter to them.
Craft your content in a way that inspires them to take notice and participate. Post a great picture of yourself and say something like “As a mom of 2 boys I struggle with staying consistent with a good skin care routine. (the struggle is REAL!) One of my favorite simple go-to products is _____”
Share a favorite product you are using. Leave spammy links and sleezy call to actions out of it and just share. Creating curiosity is one of attraction marketing’s best kept secrets.
As someone who has dealt with skin cancer issues, I have shared a lot about my journey to first and foremost bring awareness around the issue to hopefully help others avoid what I have been through and I of course share the products that are helping me prevent further issues.
Think about how you can share your personal testimony too with the products and business opportunity that will inspire your audience v. trying to sell to them.
No one wants to follow someone who never responds, only wants to talk about themselves or who has ulterior motives. Don't be that person. Your followers will see right through you and not be back. When someone comments on one of your posts make them feel valued and special by commenting back! Ask a question, earn their trust, start up a conversation and get to know your audience. Be real and genuine.
Now that you are consistently creating content that is engaging, you can use it to create leads but this has to be done with with grace and finesse.
Carefully crafted content can have delicate call to actions like “I can help you save 30% too, just shoot me a quick message and I’ll tell you how” or you can post the link to your product website after giving something of value. Remember, call to actions should always follow something of high value where you help your audience solve a problem first.
For example, if you love hair styling, you could go live and do a tutorial on how to create beachy waves (something most women would find valuable). During the tutorial, share your favorite products to wash, dry and style your hair with. At the end, you can say something like “if you want to check out the products I used during this tutorial you can click the link to my website (which would be included in the post) and of course message me for any questions!”
Because you took the time to show you audience how create the perfect beachy waves, you earned the trust of your audience and they are much more likely to want more info.
This has been an effective way for me to build my business. As a mom of two boys in my 50s I understand the struggle women my age have with thinning, dry hair. Much of the content I create helps women 40+ understand how their hair changes as they age and how to properly care for it by avoiding harsh chemicals and using our anti-aging hair care products.
Remember that building trust and influence on social media takes time and hard work. Showing up consistently with high quality content that your followers will enjoy is a key ingredient to optimizing your profile page.
Be sure to manage your expectations. You probably won’t go live for the first time on your page and have a ton of people show up, click through to your website or make a purchase. It can take 8-10 times for someone to decide to make a purchase but when they are ready they will think of you because of the great content and value you provide. Remember your job is to create content and deliver it consistently. The trust, results and sales will come so don’t allow yourself to get discouraged with the lack of instant gratification that rarely exists in the world of business.
So there you have it, 5 solid tips for optimizing your Facebook profile. Master these tips and you'll be on your way to growing a successful business.
You are with the best company in the industry and we are here cheering for you!